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Shrinking City Expanding Memory


(Urban Exploration I-VI)
video 7min 20s, slide projection 2 min, both-sides print A2 edition 500

Urban Exploration I-IV (Prints)
Fragmentation of time
Fragmentation of space


Urban Exploration V (Video projection, 7min 20s)
(Video was created from the short sequences of different urban explorations records from these explorers: greatlakesurbanex, bagaauwk, reboot9580, morphix007, 106thCtiger, OhioExplorationGroup, cybertexmex, skorpion0006, greatlakesurbanex, orteca, Sabadoctor, urbexxx77, 106thCtiger, Tffanmaiku)
Online exploration
Appearing flashbacks
Creating the memory
Reconstruction of time
Reconstruction of space


Urban Exploration VI (Slide show, 2 min)
Slide show made from all online- existing files with the presence of Primary School Komenskeho 1
Virtual existence
Virtual presence
Virtual no-existence


The building of the primary school Komenského 1 in Trebišov in Eastern Slovakia has become an abandoned architecture in the recent years (the school building was sanitized in 2010). Last two years I have been systematically working with this place as a part of my urban explorations. I myself attended the school in the years 1988 – 1996 therefore I do not detach my own personal experiences connected with this place. They are intertwined with a documentation of a current status quo.


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